Monday, May 19, 2014

9 month old!

Today's Jackson is 9 months old! I can't even believe how fast time is going by!

On Friday I took him for his 9 month well baby check and he's doing great! We always make guesses about his weight, Nana's was 20, mine was 21, and daddy guesses 22. He was 20.14 so I was closest! Mama always knows lol! He's 28.1" tall and dr says he looks great!

He's now officially crawling! He also army crawls sometimes too. He has one tooth that has broken through and is still coming up. Teething doesn't seem to bother him too much, he occasionally gets a little fussy. I want to get him an amber teething necklace. He's recently started to try to pull up on things and he loves standing up, although still needs a bit of support or he'll fall. He's a dare devil and loves going upside down, spinning in circles, swinging, etc. He's always on the move now and doesn't sit still. It's hard to nurse him because he gets so distracted and wants to look at and get into everything!

He's curious about everything and loves playing with his toys and reading books. He's mainly in size 12 month clothing now, although sometimes 9 months still fits. He's wearing size 3 diapers during the day (target or kroger brand) and size 4 pampers or Huggies overnight diapers.

He sleeps great. I'm still working on bedtime, trying to get him to go to sleep later and sleep in later. Seems like no matter what time he goes to bed he's awake by 7. I'm hoping if I stick with a later bedtime he'll start sleeping later. He usually takes a 1 1/2 morning nap around 9 and a 2 hour afternoon nap around 12:30 or 1. Since I started stroller strides his nap schedule is messed up on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays but we just kinda wing it and he does well. Sometimes he'll take a 20 minute nap in the car and be good to go for a few more hours. He pretty much goes with the flow and is an easy going baby.

He loves food! He's still eating purées but is also eating pretty much anything and everything. Purées are just so easy, especially to up into the re usable pouches and give him on the go. But he loves "real food". Right now he's really loving watermelon. He's also a huge fan of Mac and cheese and bread.

He's great with his hands. He moves things easily from one hand to the other and is good at picking things up with his fingers. He sees every speck on the floor and goes for it. I have to be really careful about keeping the floors clean!

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Monday, May 12, 2014

My first Mother's Day

Yesterday was my first Mother's Day. I woke up and got my coffee and Jackson actually slept in. Josh said happy Mother's Day to me and then got up and went into his office. He came back with a package. My mom and I saw the package by the front door on Friday and I knew what it was. I had sent him 2 links to 2 different diaper bags on the petunia pickle bottom outlet sale. I knew he had no idea what to get me and I love those bags and since I will be using a diaper bag for the next few years I wanted a really nice one, but if course I wasn't going to by myself one. Anyways, when we saw it by the door I told her that I bet he hands me the box just like that and he won't wrap it or even open it. And that's exactly what happened. Oh well. I love the bag he chose out of the 2 I sent him. He also got me sees candy. He didn't get me a card and I was really hurt about that. I know it's stupid to get upset over something so small but it's my first Mother's Day and I wanted a card to put into J's scrapbook. Well luckily my mom got me a super cute card from J to me! She even put a hand and food print of his in it! She also gave me a target gift card, bought me some makeup at ulta and paid for my first month of stroller strides! I also got a card in the mail from Greg and Judy with a $50 visa gift card. We went out to dinner to rodizio grill, a Brazilian restaurant downtown. We had a nice dinner.

I had so many emotions going on Saturday night and yesterday. On Saturday night J was so tired he fell asleep while nursing. I tried to get him to wake up and eat more because he didn't nurse for long enough but he was out. So I put him in his crib and when he woke up crying at 10pm I wasn't surprised. So I went into his room and sat in the glider and nursed him. And I was overwhelmed with the love that I have for this little guy. I'm so incredible lucky to be his mom. I love being a mom, I feel like it's exactly what I was made to do. I'm amazed by this precious little boy and so thankful that I get to be his momma.

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