Monday, September 15, 2014

Photo catch up

Eating pancakes!

I made him his very own ball pit!

I let him try a strawberry!

Trying (and loving) pizza crust!

The weather was so nice we started going on a morning walk/jog...but today it's cold again :(

First shorts outfit!

Hanging out with daddy!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Moving into the condo!

Not sure where I left off or what I've written about our move from utah back to CA but it's been a crazy few weeks. I tried to stay at Josh's parents and just couldn't. I didn't feel very comfortable or welcome there. They were on vacation out of the country when Jackson and I got there and I figured he had told them we would be staying there too, but he didn't. So they got home and were surprised that we were there. Their house is not baby friendly at all and despite it being a large house their was no room for us because they have so much Jackson and I went to my grandmas and stayed there. My brother and his wife went to Mexico for work for a week so they offered up their house for is to stay, so for the past week we've been at his house and it's been so nice to all be together and have space. Josh and I slept in their guest room and Jackson slept in the room that Sami does/trains Pilates and yoga in so it's an empty room. I was able to set up his pack and play and diaper changing station on the floor and have his clothes in there. The get back tonight so I'm cleaning up, washing the sheets and towels, and packing up to go back over to my grandmas. BUT we will be moving into the condo on Friday! A misunderstanding with the moving company had our stuff on our way to us before we wanted it. Originally we had planned on moving in this weekend but with all the issues we've had with closing on our house in utah we decided to put it off until the next weekend to make sure we'd have the money for everything in time...well the moving company called to say our stuff would be delivered on Friday. We called our soon to be landlord (a realtor that owns the townhouse/condo we'll be renting) and she agreed to let us get the keys on Thursday night and move in on Friday. We're having to burrow money from my mom to do all this since we still haven't closed on the house and then as soon as we close we'll pay her back.

Selling our house in utah has been a huge headache, one thing after another has gone wrong. The latest is that they didn't have adequate funds to show to the bank (401k etc) so they had to have family wire them money to show they had what the bank wanted. They were supposed to sign the paperwork last night and josh is supposed to sign everything today, we haven't heard from our realtor yet but I'm hoping and praying that they did actually sign last night and josh can sign today and we can be done! Its just been a disaster.

But I can't wait to get into the condo. Have all of our stuff. Sleep in our own beds and get back into our routine! But I need to find a job. We can't afford to live there without me bringing in some money so I need to find something ASAP. I'd really like to babysit out of our home, but I haven't been able to find anything yet, so I might have to find something where I can work when josh can be home with J, like afternoon/evenings and weekends. I'm going to keep trying to find a babysitting job, but I'll have to start looking at other jobs too.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Two months from yesterday I will be running my first 5k! It's something I've always wanted to do once I get in shape, but my best friend and her sisters signed up for it and she asked me if I wanted to. So I bit the bullet and signed up. We are doing the couch to 5k training program that is 8 weeks long and we have almost 9 weeks until the 5k. I'm hoping I can lose some weight and be prepared for this, and do decently in it.

I'm going to be house sitting for nick and Sami for 8 days and I'll be taking full advantage if their garage gym! And as soon as we get into our place I plan in doing the couch to 5k or going on a walk on off days AND doing a workout video everyday. I really need to work on my nutrition and get my eating (especially snacking) under control. I need to make a plan and stick to it. Costco has really good salads and they are inexpensive so I plan on stocking up on them. I actually got 6 today and had one for lunch. I need to make healthier dinner for josh and I. I really want to start trying to have another baby but I want to lose some major weight first. My goal is to be able to go shopping and buy some cute and stylish outfits to wear during the holidays and feel confident and good about myself in them! So that's almost 4 months to do some major damage!

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