Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Two months from yesterday I will be running my first 5k! It's something I've always wanted to do once I get in shape, but my best friend and her sisters signed up for it and she asked me if I wanted to. So I bit the bullet and signed up. We are doing the couch to 5k training program that is 8 weeks long and we have almost 9 weeks until the 5k. I'm hoping I can lose some weight and be prepared for this, and do decently in it.

I'm going to be house sitting for nick and Sami for 8 days and I'll be taking full advantage if their garage gym! And as soon as we get into our place I plan in doing the couch to 5k or going on a walk on off days AND doing a workout video everyday. I really need to work on my nutrition and get my eating (especially snacking) under control. I need to make a plan and stick to it. Costco has really good salads and they are inexpensive so I plan on stocking up on them. I actually got 6 today and had one for lunch. I need to make healthier dinner for josh and I. I really want to start trying to have another baby but I want to lose some major weight first. My goal is to be able to go shopping and buy some cute and stylish outfits to wear during the holidays and feel confident and good about myself in them! So that's almost 4 months to do some major damage!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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