Monday, December 7, 2015

Children's Hospital

Today we spent the morning at CHLA (Childrens hospital Los Angeles) having tests done on Jackson. We needed to be there at 8:30, and not knowing how traffic would be, we decided to leave at 6:30 and we'd get breakfast down there if we got there early. So Josh got here at about 6:20 and we had to wake j up to go. He wasn't happy about that at all. He especially wasn't happy that josh was here. I left josh with him to get him dressed and quickly finished getting ready and getting everything packed for the day (water for j, his milk for in the car, snacks, a few small toys) and then we headed down there. We got there early and by the time we parked and got checked in we still had about 45 to waste. CHLA is a really nice, amazing hospital. We found the cafe and got breakfast and coffee and then we let j play on the little playground outside.

They had lots of cute Christmas decorations all over!

Then we went to radiology and checked in there and waited. We got called and went and had the ultrasound done. We had time to waste after that so we let I play outside again. Then we went back for the renal scan. We got called back and they took us to a room and a nurse practitioner explained the procedure and what they were going to do. A nice girl came over and gave j some toys to play with and and iPad to watch cartoons or play games on. We changed him into a little gown.

Seeing my baby boy in a hospital gown was both heart wrenching and adorable at the same time.

Then some nurses came and tried to get his IV placed. They tried 3 times and just couldn't get it. It was heartbreaking to see J so upset. I sat in the bed with him in my lap while they tried and I just wanted to take him and run. He was so mad.
They let him take a little break and called in the "IV team". I guess they are the IV pros and come when the nurses have a hard time. They got it in the first attempt, thank God. Then we were taken to another room for the renal scan.

They had us lay him in the table and wrapped him up and put in the catheter which was horrible too. He freaked out and started screaming so she had a hard time getting it in all the way but she finally did and he calmed down. The same nice girl with the toys from earlier came and turned on a movie for him and he had to lay there for 1 hour for the test. He did so amazing and didn't cry or fuss or fight it at all. The last 10 mins or so he was so over it and done and was whining a little, but was still so good.

We could see the scans on the little screen and at one point it looked like the kidney on the left was getting smaller and smaller and the right one wasn't. I honestly have no idea what I was looking at or seeing but that's what I got from what I saw. So it looked like his right kidney wasn't working properly. We'll find out for sure next week when we have the follow up with the specialist. He fell asleep within minutes of being in the car on the way home. I put him in his bed when we got home and he went right to sleep. About 30 minutes later he woke up crying. Usually he gets up and goes to the door but he didn't, he just stayed laying in his bed crying. So I went in and sat next to his bed and rubbed his head and told him it was ok and he went back to sleep. He ended up taking a good long nap and when he did wake up and he went and laid by his door calling for me. As soon as I opened the door he stood up and said "Doctor" then grabbed his diaper/crotch and said "peepee" then lifted his shirt and pointed to his tummy and said "pictures" he's so stinkin smart. Telling me want happened. Poor baby. He just wanted to snuggle with me and watch cartoons.

His hand was bruised from failed IV attempts

He perked up and nana brought home cookies and a blaze monster truck for him so he was happy!

I made him chocolate chip pancakes for dinner and he ate them while sitting on the counter while I was making them!

He was exhausted from his busy day. He rarely lays on the couch and watches cartoons, but he laid like this for a complete cartoon.

He went to bed easily and I'm hoping he gets a good nights sleep. We have our follow up appointment next Wednesday and I can't wait to see what the dr says. To know what's going on and have a plan.

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