Sunday, April 12, 2015

New game plan

I did ok on Nutrisystem but not as well as I was hoping I would. I was really motivated in the beginning and after losing 5 lbs the first week but then the weight didn't seem to be coming off and things kept coming up and I kept falling off the wagon. I've decided to change things up and since our little 4 day beach vacation is almost 13 weeks away I made a plan and I'm going to stick to it for the next 12 weeks, starting today! Last week I did one of the 21 day fix videos (total body cardio) and I only did like 15 minutes of it and I was so sore for the next few days. Like my legs hurt to sit down or stand up. It was bad and great at the same time. All the 21 day fix workouts are like 30 minutes (or less). So i am going to follow the 21 day fix workout schedule and do those videos. I'm also going to try to walk or do the couch to 5k program on the days I have the baby I babysit, on the days jackson goes to his dad's (and I don't have the baby) I'm going to go to the gym and do 45 minutes to an hour on the elliptical. For diet I am going to do nutrisystem and a low carb, healthy whole food mix (example: eggs whites and one turkey sausage patty for breakfast, premade salad or chicken and veggies for lunch and lean meat and veggies for dinner. I got chicken sausages that have mozzarella cheese and artichokes in them at Costco that are so yummy so I'll probably be having those a lot!) So I will alternate days, today I am doing nutrisystem and tomorrow I will do low carb. I'm hoping this will get me better results. If I could stick to the 21 day fix plan or having lean meat and veggies everyday I would but I get so bored with that and I end up not sticking to it so I'm hoping that the nutrisystem days will give me enough variety to stick to this. I'm determined to stick to this for the next 12 weeks so I can be thinner, happier and feel good enough about myself to be able to enjoy the beach with my baby boy. I want to be comfortable enough to put on a bathing suit and shorts and play in the sand and water with him. I want to be happy to be in pictures with him. I know I won't be bikini ready in 12 weeks. I know my journey won't be over in 12 weeks and I'll still have a long way to go to get to where I want to be, but I KNOW that if I work hard and stick to this I will get results and I will feel better about myself and more confident in 12 weeks! And then I can enjoy a long weekend of eating whatever I want and drinking yummy alcoholic drinks before I make a game plan for the next part of my journey!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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