Friday, April 3, 2015


Just in the past few days jackson has started saying a lot more words! There are quite a few words he can say but he mostly refuses to say them. Recently he said "duck" when I asked him if he wanted to go see the ducks (at Bridgeport when we walk), he's been able to shake his head "no" for awhile now but last Sunday when my mom was watching him he verbally said "no" to her and I've heard him say it a few times now. He randomly started saying "baby" yesterday but I don't think he means it as baby, but I have no idea what he thinks he's saying (I briefly thought maybe he thought he was saying mickey for Mickey Mouse but I'm not sure). And today he said "bubble" when we played with bubbles outside. He also said yellow yesterday. But once he realizes he has said something he won't repeat it again because he knows we want him to. He's such a stubborn little stinker. I think he also tried to say juice earlier today!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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