Tuesday, May 12, 2015


If It Fits Your Macros

I've heard of this "diet" before but didn't really know what it was or much about it. It's basically a way of eating and not exactly dieting. You can eat whatever you want if it fits your macros. Your macros are your macronutrients. Based on your BMR, weight, height, if your a male or female, if you want to lose weight you calculate specific things to get your calories intake and how many grams of carbs, protein and fat you are supposed to have each day. I hired a trainer I heard about on you tube and she showed me how to calculate it (in a little e book she sent after I signed up) and I calculated wrong so she sent me the right numbers...oops. I went back and saw what I did wrong. And she also has an app that I have a profile in and I go to that to get my workouts each day and track my measurements. I just started yesterday (Monday). I decided to do this because I started to sense that my body was in starvation mode from not eating enough calories and that's why I was having such a hard time losing weight and why I kept falling off the diets and having "eat everything in sight, I'm craving EVERYTHING" days. I was eating around 1000-1200 calories a day, usually closer to 1000, when I was sticking to my diet. On IIFYM I'm supposed to be eating 2100 calories! Holy cow!! That's a huge difference, pretty much double what I was eating before. But I don't just eat 2100 cals, I need to make sure I'm hitting my macros within that goal. My macros are 60 grams fat, 210 grams carbs, and 180 grams protein. That is A LOT of food. Like a massive amount of food. It's going to take some time to get used to what I need to eat and how to get to my goals. Yesterday I was under everything but today I'll be closer. I pretty much have to put it what I know I'll eat and what I want to eat and then build around that to get to the goals. Like today I was just going to have string cheese and turkey pepperoni for snack between lunch and dinner but even after I put in everything I was going to eat I was still way off so I ended up making pizzas on light whole wheat English muffins and was going to have 1/2 a muffin but then I still wasn't close enough so I added in 1 whole muffin pizza and I'm as close as I think I can get today. I'm eating every 2-3 hours and don't really have any craving and I definitely don't feel hungry at all. I'm trying to eat healthy and fairly clean while sticking to this to get the best results, like having turkey bacon and lean turkey meat and chicken. If this works I will be amazed and hooked. It's a genius concept because you can technically eat whatever you want as long as it fits your macros. So I could technically have what I would normally consider a cheat meal and then just plan the rest of my day around that to met my goals. I could have ice cream or a brownie, Starbucks, or in in out. I'd just have to balance the rest to met the goals. I'm trying not to do that, but to know that I can and its not "cheating" or failing or falling off track is huge for me mentally. I fell like it makes it easier to stick to this because I know I can have whatever I want if I want to instead of thinking of foods I love as off limits and craving them even more. I really hope this works and gives me great results! It's also a much easier program to stick to long term and adjust as needed as I lose weight. It will actually be a relief when I lose weight and can lower my goals so I'm not consumed with eating all day long. Like seriously I feel like eating is a full time job right now, but I know I'm fueling my body and hopefully it will reset my metabolism and I can start losing weight and gaining muscle!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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