Wednesday, September 23, 2015

It's been a long time

It's been a long time time and I know I have a lot of catching up todo but I wanted to put this in writing right away.

Lately J had been a little whiny/fussy/needed. I figured he was teething...lots of drool, chewing on things...all the usual signs and I'm sure he is. Well today I had Mimi (my grandma) come and watch J so I could drive up to Carp to see a house that we were thinking about renting for a week next summer. I needed to be there at noon. So we went on our morning walk (with j in the stroller), he played at the park and we came home. He was a little more tired then he usually is but not too bad. At 10:30 Mimi got here and I left shortly after that. He was happy and excited to have her here. I drove up, saw the house (we rented it!) and came home. He had just woken up from his nap when I got home around 2:15 and Mimi said he was great. No fussing, no crying, played, watch a little TV and went down for his nap with no issue. He was happy but still seemed a little sleepy/snuggly. Josh picked him up and he went happily with him. I drank my spark (I'm doing/using advocare! Like I said I said I have a lot of catching up to do) while watching tv and planned on leaving at 4 to go to the gym. Well josh texted me that J had been crying at the door and saying crying momma for 30 minutes. He tried everything he could think of and J just wanted momma so he brought him home early. He was happy to see me. He snuggled with me while he watched cartoons and was happy, seemed tired. When my mom got home he didn't want her, just me, which is unusual unless he doesn't feel good. He felt a little warm and his temp was 99.4, not too bad, I figured he's teething. He finally went to nana and snuggled with her. I took him up to take a bath and as soon as I took his diaper off I saw a little blood in it where he had peed. I called my mom in and said is that blood?! She said it looked like it and to check to see if maybe he had a little cut or something after his bath and to watch it and his his diapers for more. Well he peed in the bath and it was obviously bloody so I called the after hours number right away. The on call dr called me back and said to take him to urgent care right away. So we went. They did a catheter to get a urine sample, my mom and I had to hold him down while the nurse did it and he screamed his little head off, poor baby. Luckily it only took about 30 seconds. There was very obviously blood in his urine. The urgent care dr told is that bladder infections in boys his age are extremely rare and usually have an underlying issue. They determined that he does have a bladder infection and prescribed antibiotics. The dr said to follow up with J's pediatrician and he would probably want to see us in 2 weeks once the infection had cleared to figure out the cause of the bladder infection and that he'd probably do an ultrasound to see what caused it. He said it could be an anatomic issue he was born with that cause the tubes that take urine from the kidneys to the bladder to be irritated and cause it. I really hope it's just a rare fluke that caused it. I love my little guy so so much and I really don't want him to be in pain or have an issue that causes problems for him. He woke up a little bit ago and I went on and help up and then laid him in his bed and rubbed his head until he fell back to sleep. I'm so incredible thankful for him. I love him so much it hurts. I'm scared and worried for him. I know it could be so much worse and I pray tonight for those families, those parents, whose babies and children are sick. My heart goes out to them. I hope and pray that my baby boy is ok.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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