Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First post

So I started a blog awhile back when my now hubby and I moved from So Cal to New Mexico, mainly to keep family and friends back home updated about our lives. Well, lets just say I haven't been a very successful blogger! I quickly realized that blogging was a great way to vent, to rant, to rave, to put my thoughts down onto paper, technically onto screen I guess, I found it was a great way to sort out my thoughts and feelings, like a journal, pretty therapeutic to me! But I found that in was having to censor what I wrote and that just wasn't working for me. I need to put it all there and not worry about upsetting anyone, hurting feelings, or looking like a crazy person to my friends and family, because come on now, we all have our crazy moments! An old friend who I reconnected with on Facebook has a blog and I started following and then started to explore other blogs out there and let's just say I'm hooked. I'm in awe at how brutally honest some of the bloggers out there are and came across some where the bloggers remain anonymous, and something clicked, so here I am, starting another blog. And I just want to say that I am NOT going to censor myself, so be prepared for the good, the bad and ugly, because I'm learning that marriage and life as an adult living hundreds of miles away from "home" isn't always easy, but it's worth every moment!

A little background is in order. I'm 27 and my hubby is 26. We got married on July 16, 2010 and shortly after relocated to Salt Lake City, Utah for hubby's job. I love it hear, it's beautiful! But of course I do miss my friends and family in CA.

So this is our journey! Enjoy! I know I am!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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