Monday, February 28, 2011

Decisions, decisions, decisions

We'll me last decision didn't last very long. We went on our (late) honeymoon last week to Maui, yes we planned it that way! It was so great to have our wedding, spend 2 nights in a cottage at the hotel we got married at and then have our real honeymoon 6 months later! I wouldn't want it any other way! I've heard that some people get kinda depressed after the wedding and honeymoon, after all that planning and waiting and looking forward to...and then it's all over. Of course you have your lives together to look forward to, but for couples who are already living together I can see how that could happen. I'm glad we got to settle in as newlyweds (and move to another state in our case) all while looking forward to still having our honeymoon in Maui! It definitely made the stress of the move a lot easier when your looking forward to going to paradise for 8 days!

Back to the point here...I had been willing and ready to stop preventing anything from happening before we even got married! The hubby was not! So I was hoping that he would decide to start trying (or at least stop preventing) when we went to Maui. He wasn't saying no, but he did have points against the idea. First, I haven't been working since last May. I am an independent consultant for Thirty-One gifts and I do have an etsy shop, but I haven't made much. So without my income money is pretty tight, but we decided to wait until we got back from our honeymoon for me to find a that starts this week! Second, he wants to buy a house before we even stop preventing. I can understand his point of view on that. We live in a tiny one bedroom apartment right now, we downsized after living in a very spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment in New Mexico, but we did it so that we can save money to buy a house. We start looking at houses this week and hope to move in to our own home by mid even if I got pregnant on our honeymoon I'd just be finishing up the first trimester when we move in (if all goes as planned on the home buying front) while I could understand his view, I kept thinking why the hell not?!?!

I stopped taking the pill, after pretty much 9 years of being on it with a short time being on the shot, in August only because I thought I had one more refill left and I didn't. And so much was going on with figuring out if/when we'd be moving and literally having 2 weeks from the time we knew for sure we'd be moving to Utah to the time the hubby needed to be here...and at the time we were living in 2 different states, me in SoCal and him in NM because we thought he'd be moving back to lets just say getting felt up ect by a dr was not on the top of my to do list! At the time I had been on the pill that you take for 3 months straight before having your period and after going off it my cycles were all screwed up! I had my period and then 2 weeks later another one and then it was over 6 weeks before I had it again. So I decided to stay off the pill to let me cycle go back to normal, mainly because I was convinced the hubby would change his mind and we'd be trying come February when we went to Maui. So condoms it was...with NO chances being taken, on hubby's part not mine.  It was looking like we'd still be using those condoms on our un-romantic! Well someone (or 2 someones in fact) through a major wrench in our in-laws showed up unexpectedly. They live in SoCal, and yes I am serious. Our last full day was Thursday and they got there Wednesday afternoon. We had planned on spending Thursday relaxing together and enjoying our last day. I was pissed. They did pay for our honeymoon, they are kind hearted sweet people and I am lucky to have them as in-laws. They help us out a lot! But really?!?! Showing up on our honeymoon?!?! Luckily we had dinner plans that night for a highly recommended sushi restaurant and I was so looking forward to it! But I was still pissed. I took a long shower and cried, how could they do this? This is our first vacations together, other then trips home for the holidays, and it was our honeymoon! I tried to push it aside, but after a few drinks and the hubby picking on me, which is normal we pick on each other all the time, but this was not the time, I walked out of the restaurant. That night we had a big fight and then a long talk. He admitted that he realized that he was putting his wants above mine and not considering mine as strongly as he should. He told me that he knew how long I had wanted this and that he had made me put my wants on hold for a long time. He was ready to stop using condoms. WHAT?!?! I was in disbelief! I knew I wasn't only upset about his parents showing up, but also because I had thought we'd be trying for a baby.  I was surprised and scared and happy! We finally went to bed cuddling and I was so looking forward to it! We had breakfast with his parents the next morning...went back to the resort to go to the pool, had a few beers and then decided to go up to the room instead of taking a walk on the beach ;). We went to happy hour at the resort restaurant and his parents ended up joining us, and after a few drinks (on our part, not theres) he told them we were no longer going to prevent from getting pregnant. WHAT?!?! Again, I was surprised. We hadn't talked about whether or not we'd share this news, I just guessed I assumed we would, at least for the first month or so. And let's just say his parents are a little older and we have never really talked about stuff like that with them. With my family we talk about pretty much everything, my mom is my best friend and she's knows that I was hoping we'd start trying on our honeymoon, but I did not expect him to be that open, with me sitting right there, with his parents! So of course later that night I had to text my mom and tell her!

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