Monday, March 14, 2011


We didn't get the house and I was truly ok with that. The house was nice but I couldn't truly picture us living in it. My mom might (hopefully) move here before the end of the year and we wanted to have a basement that could potentially be a home for her and that house didn't have it. It was the nicest one we had seen, but it wasn't "the one". So we looked Thursday and saw some town homes we liked and then looked more Saturday and found a house that I LOVE! It's perfect and I can see it as our home. It has a basement with a living room, bedroom, and bathroom perfect for my mom! We made an offer and found our theres one other offer :( boo! So we had to submit our best and final offer and I hope it's good enough to get the house! I'm going to be heart broken if we don't get it and I am trying to be patient but I can't wait to find out! I have faith and I believe that God knows that this will be our home, but it's still hard to be patient! I just want to get the call that says we got it! And the hubby's dad will be in town tomorrow and the next day and he wants to show his dad the house, so hopefully we find out they accepted our offer and he can see it!

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Blah! That describes my mood today. I have the day off (and tomorrow) and got up earlier then I would have liked to so that I could go to the bank with hubby. We had some checks to deposit and I needed to close my old accounts since were using his now. And since we didn't go to the store last night like we had planned I didn't have creamer for my coffee so I didn't have any coffee...I was not happy. I had a really hard time waking up and was feeling like I was moving in slow motion, and could't focus on anything and had NO patience. So we went to the bank then to the store. I got an iceed coffee but I still feel blah! We also found out that we didn't get the house. They are keeping our offer as a back up offer. I wasn't really surprised and I was kinda relieved. As much as we loved it, it was on the high end of what we want to spend (a little higher honestly). Our monthly payments would be higher then we'd like them to be. So back to looking. We're going to look tomorrow afternoon and hopefully we'll find something we love for less money!

I have a lot to do, but no desire to do anything...guess I should get up off my butt and do something...maybe sewing...not really on my to-do list, but it always makes me feel better! And sounds much better then laundry...which means walking to the laundry room of our apartment complex and it's COLD there's snow on the ground cold...seriously...laundry can wait till tomorrow...or even Thursday since I don't work until 4 pm that, I'm being really lazy!

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Confused and busy!

I got a job! I haven't been working since last May and the past 2 months we have definitely started to feel it financially. So my main goal when we got back from Maui was to find a job! Mainly for retail jobs. I just want an easy job, where I can go to work, do my job, go home and not think about work until my next shift. Something easy, something fun, something I could enjoy and not hate. I hated my last job, it was for a cell phone company and I worked in retail first and loved it, then we moved to New Mexico and I decided to give the tech call center a not for me! Dealing with upset people all day, trying to meet unreachable expectations, it was so stressful to me. I'm kinda a perfectionist when it comes to work and I almost always well exceed the expectations easily, so it was so hard for me, to the point of having anxiety attacks and getting sick (a flair up of something I was diagnosed with as a child after YEARS of being sick, and haven't had any problems since being diagnosed when I was about 11, until that job!). Anyways...I decided to apply at a large craft store that I LOVE. I picked up an application, brought it home, filled it out, took it back the next day and gave it to the co-manager (the store has 2 managers). Within 20 minutes of leaving he called asking if I could come in the next day for an interview (Thursday). I went in and was hired and started the next day at 9am! It's pretty easy and super simple! It's only part, but I'm hoping to work my butt off and get to full time! I worked Friday, Saturday and today (Monday) they are closed on Sunday's! Now I have 2 days off, then work Thursday and Friday afternoon/evenings and the have the weekend off!

On thursday we also started looking at houses! We saw a few and LOVED one of them, it was perfect, but a little more then we wanted to spend, there was another for quite a bit less, that was A LOT older and kinda funky, but we liked it. So even though I LOVED the first one I put it out if my head because I didn't want the hubby to feel pressured into a house we weren't sure we could afford just because I loved it so much. Well I came home Friday to change real quick after work and then head to meet our realtor to see a few more houses and he said something along the lines of : we'll go see what she has to show us today but I really think we should make a move on that first house (the one we LOVE but I thought was slightly out of our range)...WHAT?!? really? I was so happy! So we saw a few more houses but nothing compares to the first one, great neighbor hood, the town we want to live in, everything we are looking for in a house! So we decided to go in Saturday morning to write up our offer and found out there were 7 other offers (and it had only been listed for 7 days)! Wow! We weren't expecting that! But we still made an offer and tried to make it good! We offered more then the asking price and to pay for part of closing costs. We should hear something by Wednesday. My fingers are crossed and I'm hoping and praying we get it, but I'm realistic and still keeping my eye out and checking the MLS to see if anything comes up that we can jump on asap if our offer doesn't get accepted.

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