Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Blah! That describes my mood today. I have the day off (and tomorrow) and got up earlier then I would have liked to so that I could go to the bank with hubby. We had some checks to deposit and I needed to close my old accounts since were using his now. And since we didn't go to the store last night like we had planned I didn't have creamer for my coffee so I didn't have any coffee...I was not happy. I had a really hard time waking up and was feeling like I was moving in slow motion, and could't focus on anything and had NO patience. So we went to the bank then to the store. I got an iceed coffee but I still feel blah! We also found out that we didn't get the house. They are keeping our offer as a back up offer. I wasn't really surprised and I was kinda relieved. As much as we loved it, it was on the high end of what we want to spend (a little higher honestly). Our monthly payments would be higher then we'd like them to be. So back to looking. We're going to look tomorrow afternoon and hopefully we'll find something we love for less money!

I have a lot to do, but no desire to do anything...guess I should get up off my butt and do something...maybe sewing...not really on my to-do list, but it always makes me feel better! And sounds much better then laundry...which means walking to the laundry room of our apartment complex and it's COLD outside...like there's snow on the ground cold...seriously...laundry can wait till tomorrow...or even Thursday since I don't work until 4 pm that day...wow, I'm being really lazy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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