Sunday, April 24, 2011


I feel like waiting is the story of my life lately. Things are taking longer then they should with the house. The loan is still not approved and we are still waiting to hear from the seller about fixing a few things that need to be fixed. 2 of the burners on the stove don't work, the dishwasher doesn't work, and 3 of the windows don't open, not huge things, but things that have to be fixed for the type of loan we are getting, so they have to approve them for the loan to be approved I guess. And we are supposed to close in less then 2 weeks. We are supposed to hear something tomorrow and hopefully it will be good news! I really hope this doesn't push our closing back, and if it does then no more then a week back because my mom is coming to visit on May 14 for a week! And it would be really sad if we don't close by then since she's coming to see the house...not to mention complicate things since we have no where for her to stay because we plan on her being able to stay in her little basement apartment! So we're waiting.

Another area of have a baby...once we got the house the hubby said he thinks we should wait a little while, well he said until my mom moves here which could be as early as October, but maybe not until the end of the year or beginning of next year, and I don't wait to wait that long to start trying to have a baby! I was super pissed. Then we discovered that we are paying twice as much as we though we were going to be for our health insurance now that I'm on his through work. Literally $700 more a month then we'd be paying if it was just him!! We were shocked. And the only way to get me off of it is; 1. death, 2. divorce, 3. i get it through my job. None of those seemed likely when we found out. I had just gotten a job and I was really liking it but full time didn't look like an option so I thought I was going to have to find a new job. I was upset, especially because that money we are throwing away we really need! Well, I got offered a full time department head position at work! To my extreme shock, I didn't see it coming at all. I am hard working when it comes to my job, I don't think I do anything extremely beyond what I'm expected to do but I guess I must be because they let 3 people who where also hired as "part-time/seasonal" like I was go because they didn't have the hours to keep them, and I got offered full time! Woohoo! I am so thankful! And as a full time employee I get (among $4 more an hour, earned vacation time, a much better schedule, every other Saturday off-we're closed on sundays) BENEFITS!!! Not sure how much I will have to pay or exactly when they will kick in (waiting on the enrollment packet from HR which can take up to 45 days to get) but I know it will be much better then what we are paying now! And they offer leave for when we have a baby...but I have to be with the company for 12 months before said leave can be taken. So I can't even get pregnant until at the very earliest July and that would be pushing it, if God forbid I had to take leave early for some reason. This is great and I am so thankful that I was offered this position, but it means I have to WAIT...but I know it will be worth it. So it looks like we won't be able to even start trying until July (which is also our 1 year anniversary).

So for now I've decided to do something I really need to do and wanted to do before getting knocked up but wanted a baby to bad to hold off and babymaking and actually do it, so now that I HAVE to wait, I might as well...lose weight/get in shape! I gain weight easily, especially when I'm unhappy, stressed out, and heck even when I'm happy! It sucks. When I was 18, 19, 20 I was in GREAT shape, going to the gym often, busy going out with friends, working, having fun! I got into a relationship around 21 and slowly stated gaining weight. After a break-up, new relationship (rinse and repeat a few times) I had gained and lost weight quite a few times and came out of it at my heaviest before I started dating my now husband. I had lost about 30 pounds before I started dating him and during the last 3 years since I've been with him, I've gained that plus some back. I hate it. I hate the way I look and feel. I hate that none of my clothes fit. I was losing weight before we got married, but then moving to a new state, getting a new job, and a lot of late night after work fast food ruined that. And now I NEED to change it. So that's the plan for the next few months. I think I'll follow weight watchers and start working out! The working out part will be so much easier when we move into our house and I have space to work out! I have an elliptical that I plan on using once I have the space to use it in! Healthy meals and kick butt workouts here I come!!! Also only having to work 2 late nights a week at work will help with the late night eating I'm sure!

So wish me luck on this, I know I'm going to need it!

Also...I have a goal to start posting more...I'd love to say once a day, but my life is much too boring for that, so I'm going to aim for at LEAST once a week for now! I also want to start posting about the crafty things I do...I LOVE all things crafty; sewing, scrap booking, crocheting, knitting, ect and so I'd like to start posting those things on here! So hopefully one day I'll have followers who will have interesting things to read!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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