Friday, May 6, 2011

Major itch

I posted this last week and couldn't find it yesterday, well today I found it under 2000, no clue how that happened, but here it is!

I have a serious crafty itch right now! I grew up around grandma is awesome! I remember spending time with her learning to sew when I was little, she'd take me to pick out a pattern and we would make it together! Sometimes it was doll clothes, sometimes clothes for me, or blankets for my dolls and barbies. Years ago I taught myself how to knit, more recently how to crochet. I've always loved scrap booking too! Near the end of last year my hubby let me buy a sewing machine as an earlier Christmas present. I started with doll clothes for my niece and baby blankets! But before that I made my cousins little girl her outfit for her first birthday! Tutu, Swarovski crystal "1" onesie and Swarovski crystal toed converse. She's such a cutie!!!

And she LOVED the tutus!

So first was non-sewing projects...

Then I moved on to learning to sew!!

Adorable doll clothes for my niece!
I might have gone a little overboard, but I was hooked! I loved it! I even bought a pattern and made her and her doll matching night gowns!

Then I moved on to baby blankets! So easy and so fun to make!

Then I discovered blogs...sewing and craft blogs...oh my! Wow...I've got a whole LONG list of things I want to make...but a lot of things are for babies...and I don't have one of those yet, and without one for measurements it's kinda tough. And with the house buying I can't wait to make our house a home using my sewing machine!

Right now we live in a teeny apartment, my fabric is stashed in our small storage closet on our patio, and with boxes filling up all use able space inside it's impossible to get a project going...other then barbie clothes for my niece using my scrap fabric.

I've even packed up some of my crafty stuff already, thinking I wouldn't use it until after the move. Blah! I know that soon I will have a whole room of crafty goodness, heck I've even made frames for the room! It will be a craft/guest room and I'm going to use my pre-marriage furniture (fairly new from ikea!) bedding and decor which is mainly black and white, my room was black, white, and pink! So same theme will continue!

I even have material to make curtains! I can't wait to get my fabric out off storage containers and organized onto shelves so I can see what I have to work with! But the idea of a WHOLE craft room, space to spread out, organization is making me feel so disorganized and like I have no space to do anything now...which is SO frustrating when I just want to create! I want to snip fresh fabric (bittersweet feeling cause I hate cutting up beautiful fabric, but usually LOVE what comes from it) hear the hum of my sewing machine as I create something awesome! Um... Usually only awesome to me...I'll hold it up for the hubs to see and he'll be encouraging but the look on his face says "why in the heck did you make that?!" I can't wait to have kids and be able to actually show him what I can make! Cause making something and sending to my niece who lives a few states away and he doesn't get to see her wearing or enjoying it is much different then (I imagine) it will be to see his child clothed in or enjoying my creative craftiness! So until we move, which should be happening within the next 2 weeks, I will have to deal with this itch that I cannot scratch! I can't wait to get my craft on!!!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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