Thursday, June 2, 2011

Catching up

Started this post awhile back and didn't finish it...

We were supposed to close on our house last Friday, well that didn't happen. We had our final walk through on Monday and we were hoping that everything would work out so we could sign and get the keys Friday. Which was great since my mom is coming on Saturday and planning on staying in the house. Well we found out today we won't be able to sign until Monday and we won't get the keys until tuesday! Totally sucks! But my mom will be here! I am really close to my mom. She truly is my best friend. She knows me better then anyone. She can hear my voice and know that something is wrong. And I can hear her voice and know that everything will be ok. Aren't I too old for that?! When I was younger I never thought I'd feel this way towards my mom, but ad I grew up and got to know who she truly was I understood a lot about her, and about myself...

Anyways...I can't wait to spend time with my mom and for me and my husband to move into our house and start making memories there! In the home that we will start a family (hopefully)!!! I can't wait to see what the future holds for us!


We've moved into our house!!! We moved in Wednesday of the week my mom was here. She was a HUGE help. But we didn't get to have as much fun as I'd hoped... We wanted to go see something borrowed and get pedicures, but between moving and my work schedule we didn't have a chance to, but we still had a great time! There's always next time! She'll be coming to visit again soon (hopefully)!!!

We're still unpacking and organizing, but my last few days off I worked on my craft/guest room and it's coming along nicely! I can't wait to get in there and get crafty! Hopefully this weekend! I have soooo many ideas and projects I want to do swimming around in my head it's driving me crazy!

Here's my sewing area:

I still have LOTS of fabric to unpack, that's pretty much my "scrap/small pieces" only....I don't know where I'm going to put it all!

Heres the "guest room" part aka the bed :

One of my first projects will be curtains! We'll see how that goes.

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