Thursday, June 2, 2011


I FINALLY got off my butt and worked out yesterday! I wanted to start the couch 2 5k program but I think I'm too out of shape for that. I get out of breath walking from our basement to our bedroom, 2 flights of stairs, that's pathetic. Even though I'm on my feet walking around all day at work! So I decided to use our elliptical and lose some weight and get in a little better shape and then start the c25k program. I got off work at 9 last night and my hubby wanted me to pick up something on the way home. I got HIM fast food. Usually I would have had a double bacon burger and fries, but I resisted. I wasn't hungry. I had eaten a zone bar on my lunch at work. So I went home and got on the elliptical for 20 minutes. Not very long, just a start. I'll work up to going on it longer, otherwise I'll just get burned out quickly if I push myself too hard at first. And I'm already feeling better! I know there's no change in what I see in the mirror (duh! It's only day 2 of eating better and working out) but I feel good! I'm motivated! I'm ready to make this change! I'm ready to have my self confidence back, ready to feel good about myself and how I look, ready to like what I see in the mirror, ready to fit into all my clothes (instead of just the few things that fit right now), ready to have more energy!

I didn't work out today, but I'm okay with that. Thursdays are my longest day at work...not exactly because of the hours I work (although it is about 2 hours longer then my shifts the rest of the week) but because it's freight day. The day we get our weekly shipment, so the day is spent un loading boxes and putting stuff away, working fairly quickly because we pretty much don't leave until it's all put out, every department. So if my department is done early (haha; doesn't happen, I have the biggest department) I'd help other departments get their stuff put away and the other way around. So its a pretty tiring day. But tomorrow I work late so I'm planning on working out in the morning! And I have the weekend off so I will get to break in my craft room!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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