Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Tonight is my last night in our home. Today we dropped off the cable boxes at the comcast store and picked up the uhaul trailer that I'm towing behind my car. I finished packing up J's nursery and it made me a little sad. I'm so happy to be moving back to CA, but that little room was so sweet. It's the room I created for my baby boy. His very first bedroom. It made me sad to pack it all up, not knowing where we'll end up in CA. While I'm happy to be leaving I'll miss our first home.

Utah is a beautiful place and I've loved to experience the seasons (SNOW!!!) but it isn't home. Before we had J it wasn't too bad, but since having him we've really realized that this isn't where we want to raise our kids. I've had a really hard time making friends here. I'm sure maybe I could have tried harder and become friendlier with my Mormon neighbors, but let's be real, they're never going to go out for a girls night with me for a few drinks or BBQ and have some margaritas and beer with us. I want weekend BBQs where I make the latest fruity drink I find on Pinterest and the guys drink beer and our kiddos play...we're not going to find that here. We need friends. We need fun. We need to feel like we fit in and not majorly stand out.

But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. It's so expensive in CA! And with me not working we're barely making it as it is. I'll have to find something to do to make money. Hopefully watch someone's child in our home. If we ever have a home. We'll be staying Josh's parents for a month or so to save some money and look for a place to live. But a 2 bedroom apartment is more expensive then the mortgage on our 4 bedroom house. And I REALLY want to have another baby in the near future, but how in the world are we going to do that.

It's going to be crazy, scary, and exciting. CA here we come!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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