Sunday, December 18, 2011


We often take our blessings for granted. We're so focused on the stress of the moment, especially this time of year. I work retail, which means A LOT of work around the holidays. The store is busy, people are rude, and I have a list a mile long in my head of things I need to do and buy before my mom and in-laws get here. It's just going, going, going. But on friday I was reminded of how blessed I am.

My coworker was on her lunch already when I went to lunch and she was really upset. She had just found out that her boyfriend lost his job. They've been making cut backs at his work and I don't think they were expecting it to affect him, he's a manager and didn't see it coming. This poor girl has been through so much this year and things were finally looking up for her and then this happens. She did my nails earlier in the week and was telling me how he wants to get married early next year but she doesn't know how that'll happen because of money, and that was before they found this out. I felt awful for her.

I realized how blessed I am. My husband has a great job. We bought our own home this year. And while there are times that money is tight we are lucky. That same day my husband had gotten his bonus. And his normal paycheck. His bonus was a few hundred dollars more then his normal check and seeing that amount of money (bonus + check) made me happy. We want to pay of some credit card debt. And plan a weekend trip to Park City. The fact that were even able to consider doing these things, and having some extra money to be able to is a blessing. We are lucky. I need to remind myself of that more often, especially now, as we are trying to get pregnant and I only see that and the negative of it not happening. I need to take more time to look at the bigger picture and how truly blessed we are, even if we haven't been blessed with a baby yet!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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