Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Being an adult

We used to buy certain things, like trash bags, toilet paper, paper towels, at Costco. They lasted and the price was good. Well there isn't a Costco very close to us and we've been trying to shop mainly at a local grocery store that we have an employee discount card at because of Josh's job. We save money and earn rewards. Well it's great for the usual groceries, but we were really missing the Costco stuff. It lasted longer and worked better (the discount only applies to the store brand products which we went thrilled with in the paper towel, toilet paper, trash bag categories). Well I got my renewal letter in the mall for Costco and since we haven't been in over 6 months I brought up the idea of SAMs club. It's 2 miles away and is very similar to Costco. Well josh had never been in one and wasn't so thrilled with the idea. I dragged him in there today and he was pretty surprised. His first comment was that it looked just like Costco. We got a membership and spent some money there. I think it will be good!

But anyways this whole thing stated with us being down to the last 2 rolls of paper towels. I used the last one on the roll and went to the garage to find more. Finding only 2 more rolls prompted the "hey SAMs or Costco?" conversation. It got me thinking. Growing up if I used the last paper towel there were always more in the cabinet above the pantry. If I used the last of the toilet paper there was always more under the sink or I'm the cabinet (depending on which bathroom I was in). There was always dish soap under the sink and hand soap at every sink in the house. There was laundry detergent on the shelf above the washer when i was old enough to do my own laundry. There were clean towels and clean sheets in the hall closet. These things were always just there. I never even thought about it. My little brother and I had chores; keep our rooms clean and mine was to do the dishes, I don't remember what his was. But outside of that our house was always clean. The sinks, counter, showers, baths, and floors were always clean. Everything was always in its place (my mom was kind of an anal clean freak). My mom made sure everything was always done. The house was clean, our lunches where made for school and dinners where made. Dinners were usually very simple because me and my brother were VERY picky, but non the less dinner was there. She did all this while working and raising 2 young children, an older daughter and an older step daughter. And a husband who was barley ever home. She made it seem so easy. It made me realize how hard it being an adult! I barley keep up with these things and I don't even have kids yet! I really need to get better at keeping our house cleaned up and staying on top of everything. I need to get into a routine and keep up with it before we have keeps, so it will be easier to keep up with the housework once we have kids! Being an adult is hard work!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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