Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Success or failure

I finally realized that I can do one of two things; set myself up for success or for failure. Lately I've been setting myself up to fail. For awhile now actually. So I've decided that I need to change that. Last week I jointed weight watchers online. My friend at work is doing it and having great results. I've done it in the past and I know it works. I only went to the gym once last week and wasn't so on top of my eating. I was back up to 223. Well I've been working hard this week and I went to the gym Monday and tonight and I'm already back at 119! Hopefully by Saturday I get to at least 118! Just to feel like I'm making real progress. I just need to stick with it, keep working out and eating healthy, make it a habit, part of my routine, and I know I'll see the results. I love the way I feel after going to the gym. I'm aiming for 3 days this week and 4 days next week. Once I find a rhythm of what works with my work schedule it will be a lot smoother and easy to fit in the gym time. Like today I worked, went to the gym, then by the grocery store. I stocked up on lean cuisine and smartones. I got a bunch and filled the freezer in our garage fridge, so I have no excuses. I have plenty of yummy looking healthy meals! I felt productive, much better then just coming straight home from work and eating crap and sitting on the couch watching tv. But yesterday I didn't end up getting off work until 9:30 pm and had to work early today, I was tired and didn't end up going to the gym. I should have known better and gone in the morning. Oh well. Live and learn and make better choices.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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