Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The first step is always the hardest

Awhile back I decided to focus on myself, on losing weight, and then after the first of the year I'd make an appointment to see a obgyn or fertility specialist. Well last night I decided that I'm tired of waiting and I just want to get on with it already! Two girls at work are pregnant, one of them I'm more friendly with and she's about 20 weeks and just found out she's having girl. She's been married for close to the same amount of time we've been trying to have a baby. When she first got married we talked about having babies and she said they wanted to wait awhile (we were already trying) and now, a year later, she's pregnant and I'm still not. I'm tired of waiting. I want a baby. And I realized what if it's something that's easy to fix. Like maybe I'm not ovulating and they can give me something (like clomid) to fix that issue. If that's the case I don't want to waste anymore time waiting and thinking it'll just happen when its meant to.

I guess I final realized that we need to have a baby. And that's ok. It's better to figure out the problem and start working on it. It might be something that's simple to fix or it might be something that well need expensive fertility treatments for, and if that's the case we need to see what it'll take, treatment and cost wide, so we can make a plan and start saving money or whatever we need to do to have a baby!

So this morning I got onto my insurance companies website to look up doctors. I spent my lunch looking at them on my phone and then looked more when I got home. In my searching I actually found a category for reproductive endocrinologist! There was a list of some in my area and I found one nearby and wanted to know more about him so i googled him and his office is a fertility clinic! My health insurance says I have coverage for the treatment of underlying causes of infertility and to resolve them, but not for actual infertility treatments. I'm not sure exactly what that means but I sent an email to my insurance company asking what my benefits would cover if i went to him. He's a in network doctor so I'm thinking that means his treatments would be covered, but I could be wrong. I'm thinking (hoping) that at the very least the consultation will be covered and then at least I will gain some knowledge and be able to make a plan to move forward! I also submitted a consult request on the clinics website! I put this next Wednesday (my next day off, besides sunday) as the date I'd like to have the consult. I got an email from them saying that they will can within 3 days! I seriously cannot believe that I could possibly be meeting with a RE as early as next week!!! I'm doubting I'll be able to get in that early and I'm expecting when they call that I'll have to schedule an appointment for a later date. BUT if they are able to see me that day I will be so excited!!! I'm ready to get moving on this. I don't know what happened, but its like a switch got flipped, from the "it'll happen when it happens" mentality to "lets figure this out and get a move on NOW! Like immediately!" It's weird, but I'm ready and excited! And I can't help but think...maybe all I'll need is clomid (or something like that) and if I can start next cycle, maybe, just maybe I will get the best Christmas gift I could ever wish for : getting pregnant! I know it's not likely to happen on the very first cycle with help, but I can dream a little right!?!? And if we end up needing more expensive treatments that insurance doesn't cover then at least we can ask for money for Christmas to go towards our treatments!

I'm so excited to be taking this step forward! I can't wait to see what happens next!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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