Thursday, November 15, 2012

Kinda freakin out

I don't know how I'm going to make it through the next 2 weeks without losing my mind! I seriously can't get over the fact that I have an appointment at a fertility clinic. That I'm taking the next step. That we're (hopefully) going to find out why we haven't gotten pregnant yet. That I'm going to have an ultrasound wand shoved in me (hopefully that'll give us some answers!).  I'm totally shocked and excited and nervous and freaking out! The appointment is on CD23 of this cycle so if they can see what's wrong on the ultrasound (or bloodwork) I think I could potentially start treatments next cycle! Holy freakin cow! I can't focus on anything. My mind is racing. I feel jittery. I really hope these next 2 weeks go by VERY quickly! Ive gotten so used to expecting to not get pregnant each cycle. I always hope and wish that I don't get my period and that I'm pregnant, but after 16 months I'm at the point where I expect that I'll get my period. Each month I expect to NOT be pregnant. I can't wrap my head around the idea that I could actually have hope for a different outcome as early as next cycle. I already feel a renewed sense of hope and excitement. But I'm seriously freaking out! Good thing work is crazy busy right now, at least that'll keep me busy and hopefully keep my mind off this, at work at least!

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