Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Still waiting

I haven't heard back from the fertility clinic yet. I was going to call them but decided to wait. I found out that even though they are in-network and some of the tests and treatments might be covered, I have a $500 deductible. I think it's A LOT smarter to wait until next year (since its only about 7 weeks away) to go since if I go now I will have to pay $230 for the consultation and then for anything else they do before the end of the year and then I would have to reach the deductible again next year before my insurance kicks in! That's just a waste of money in my opinion. I've already waited 16 months to get pregnant, I think I can handle 7 weeks before I go to the fertility clinic. I'm also going to see when I can make changes to my insurance so that I can take advantage of the flexible spending account. I want to get the FSA for $500 since I know we'll have to pay at least that much. Then it will be there when we need it and it'll come out of my paycheck before taxes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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