Friday, November 16, 2012

12 days

12 days until my consult with the RE!

Yesterday was a bad day at work. I just didn't want to be there, at all. I was just so annoyed listening to people talk about stupid trivial things when "hello?! I have to go to a special dr and have help just to get knocked up!" Of course I haven't told anyone but I was just on a bad mood about being at work. Today was better. I keep thinking to myself "be kinder then necessary, you never know what someone is going through or how tough there life is." You can't usually tell the struggles someone is facing just by looking at them. I know I'd appreciate it right now, so maybe I'll make someone's day a little better just by being nicer then necessary to them.

Today I feel thankful. I found out a co-workers husband lost his side job. He has a decent full time job, but they have 3 kids and I know they struggle financially. I feel bad for her and her family. A month away from Christmas, that just sucks. It made me think how thankful I am for what we have. Josh has a good job. Some days I hate my job, but for the most part I have a good, easy, decent paying job. I have coworkers I'm friends with. We have a nice house. We may not have everything I want, but we have everything we need and more. We may struggle financially sometimes and we may not be putting as much money as we should be into savings, but that's our fault and something that we're working on changing. We don't budget and we spend what we want when we want, that isn't really a good way to save money! We waste a lot of money on things we just don't need. But we're lucky and I'm thankful for what we have. I'm thankful that I can (hopefully) get help and have a baby! I can't wait for my consult with the RE!

Today on the way home I turned up the radio when a song I like came on and sung and danced along. I can't remember the last time I did that! I feel like I've had my head stuck in a cloud for the last year. Things were fuzzy and dreary and unclear, now the skies are clearing and things are brighter, prettier, clearer. I feel myself becoming happier every day!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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