Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Holy freak balls! My RE consult is tomorrow morning! I'm excited and completely terrified at the same time. I haven't been sleeping well at all and I'm sure tonight will be even worse! Last night I even took a bath and had some wine and I still couldn't sleep. It's all I can think about. Yesterday after work I printed out the new patient info that the lady at the clinic emailed me and we filled everything out. Josh is sort of uncomfortable with the whole thing, he doesn't really understand why he has to go but I'm hoping that after this appointment he'll understand more and be more involved in it all!

I'm glad work is keeping me busy today otherwise of be losing my mind worrying and wondering and thinking about it! And today after work I'm going out to eat and to see a movie with 2 friends and I'm so thankful for because it'll keep my mind off things! I'm a little bummed though because its my friend Shelly who I used to work with and you were good friends. We haven't really talked much or hung out recently but I feel like she's someone I could talk to about this, but she asked another girl I work with that we're friends with to go and I don't feel the same way about her. I don't think she'd understand and I just don't want to tell her. So I guess I won't be able to talk about it. At least hanging out with them will keep my mind off things!

I seriously can't wait for it to be tomorrow morning!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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