Wednesday, November 14, 2012

To share or not?

So now that I'm super excited (and nervous) about having this appointment, I want to share my excited with someone! Specifically my mom. She wants us to have a BABY so bad! She's been waiting a long time for another grandbaby (my nephew is 19 so she's ready for more grandbabies). She knows we're having trouble getting pregnant and I know she wants me to see a doctor about it. What's stopping me from sharing this with her is 1-I don't want to burden her or worry her with my problems/troubles and 2-I feel like it would take the surprise away from telling her were pregnant when we get pregnant! I seriously cannot wait to see her face when we can finally tell her she's going to have a grandbaby!

I just don't know! I feel like it might make her happy to know we're taking the next step though! But she does have a tendency to tell everyone everything and this isn't something I want shared. It's very private to me right now. I haven't really told anyone except her, my best friend (whose been my BF since we were 5) and 1 person at work who only works 4 hours 1 day a week and who went through fertility treatments so I know she won't tell anyone. I know my mom has told a few people that were having trouble getting pregnant and it makes me uncomfortable. I just don't feel like its anyone's business except mine and Josh's. Maybe that'll change and ill want to share or struggle with others, but not right now.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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