Sunday, November 25, 2012


Oh yeah! Even though we aren't getting a new entertainment center anytime soon I still want to fix up our basement living room. We have 2 book cases down there that Josh's parents gave us and they are in major need of an update! Here's one:

And the second smaller one:

I need to tuck those wires behind it! And the pillows are there because the cat likes to lay on them. See the blue spots on the pillow? Yay, that's from Sadie who chewed up a bottle of craft paint.

Anyways. My plan is paint these bookshelves and possibly even add paper or fabric to inside to make them even prettier! I'm going to hopefully pick up some primer and paint this week and get to work on this project! We also majorly need some art/shelves/something/anything on our bare walls!

I plan on putting our tree up down here since the dogs are only down here when we are so I'm excited to make it all Christmassy down here!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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