Thursday, November 22, 2012


Today is Thanksgiving and I'm thankful for hope, among other things. I'm thankful for my loving hubby who puts up with my craziness, I'm thankful for my job, for our house, that we live well even if we sometimes struggle. But most of all, right now, I'm thankful for hope. For the hope that I currently have for the future of our family. For growing our family. The renewed hope of having a baby. We've tried for almost a year and a half and the last few months I had lost hope. But I decided to put on my big girl panties and do what needed to be done. I'm thankful that I finally made an appointment with a doctor, and I'm thankful that I am able to go to an RE without a referral or anything! Thanks to my insurance, which I have through my job, I was able to make an appointment straight with an RE who happens to run a fertility clinic. I'm thankful that my consult is less then a week away (6 days to be exact)! I'm thankful that soon we might have some answers and a plan. But mainly I'm thankful for the renewed hope that I AM going to have a baby. The hope that I AM going to make josh a dad. The hope that I AM going to be a mom! And the hope that we are going to make our parents grandparents! A little hope goes a long way!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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