Thursday, September 13, 2012

It's all about me

I've committed to making myself a priority. To focusing on myself and doing what I need to do, to be healthy and happy. In the past I've made excuses. I've been lazy. I was "too busy" that day to fit in a workout so I didn't. My husband didn't want to eat healthy food, so I didn't. The laundry needed to be done, dinner needed to be cooked, we had tv shows to watch. I was too tired after work. I didn't want to get up early to work out. All excuses. So I got no where. I've been wanting to lose weight and get in shape for a long time and I've been focused on it since april. And I've lost about 10 pounds. I haven't tried very hard. The past few months flew by and I realized HELLO! It's September and you still fat! If I would have stuck to a plan, eaten healthy an workout out regularly I'd be so much closer to my goal then I am now. Hell, that's 5 months, I probably could have reached my goals by now. Days turned into weeks and weeks into months right before my eyes, it flew by. And I realized if I do what I know I need to do, workout and eat healthy, time will fly by. Days will turn into weeks and weeks into months and it will be a blur. And before I know it it'll be christmas, and I can look back on the past few months (between know and then) and say "oh I wish I would have worked harder to reach my goals" or I can say "wow that went by so fast! How do I look in my skinny jeans?!"

So it's all about me. I'm focusing on myself. I changed gyms and I've been going with a friend from work. I went a few times last week and I've gone tues, wed, and tonight. I got off work at 9 and still went to the gym! I'm very proud of myself! And I already feel like I have more energy. I'm getting things done around the house and making dinner most nights. Josh is very understanding about it and isn't complaining. I think he's enjoying more video game time! I've also been eating better!

So hopefully when Christmas gets here I'll say "wow that flew by, why the hell didn't I do that sooner!"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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