Tuesday, August 28, 2012


I love food. I love eating. I know that's one of the main reasons why I've gained so much weight. I eat when I'm happy, sad, upset, ect. Well this past week I've tried really hard to eat better. I've been more aware of what I'm eating and I've really tried to make better choices. Ive been eating a lot less then I normally do. I wasn't perfect though, I had wine a few nights last week and on Friday we went to our favorite sports bar, had their version of fries and a buffalo chicken wrap and we shared a few pitchers I beer (josh and I) before we went to the movies. After the movies we had ice cream. I also had cafe rio Saturday night. I had a salad but their salad is close to 1000 calories! So not great, but the rest of the time I did good. Well last Monday I weighed 224. I started at 234 an I've been battling the same few pounds for the last few months. The lowest I've been during these last few months was 221. I have not been able to get below that. Many times I've stood next to the scale just hoping and praying to be in the teens, to be under 220 then I step on the scale and I'm not. It's so frustrating. I have weighed myself again until this morning. For some reason I was terrified that the number would go up. Even though I was eating well for the most part, after the ice cream and all the other crap I just keep thinking I'd gain weight for sure. But this morning I stepped on the scale and it was at 219!!! Yay! It felt good to see that number. For some reason it feels like I'm so much closer to the 100's, even though it's only a few pounds less. So I lost 5 pounds in a week! That's awesome! I guess I did better then I thought I did.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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