Friday, September 14, 2012

Epic fail

I've been doing so good this week and then today sucked. For some reason work was just really hard today. By 8pm when the store closed I was just done. Its been a long week and today was just the icing on the cake. There wasn't any one thing in particular, I guess it was just a lot of little things that built up all week. Like on Wednesday when I had to do my old job. For the second week in a row. I'm was on a different department for almost a year and half and I was so done, for a few different reasons, there's a new person in that department along with the lady I worked with in that department whose been there much longer then me, yet they can't get there job done. So I had to pick up the slack and do it for them. I was ticked off about it. And one of our assistant managers (whom I'm friends with) was helping me and she was like "it's BS. But you know she (meaning the lady whose been in that department for years) only does like 5% of the work, you had to do the rest and since the new girl is still learning your still having to do all her work" Yep. It's that bad. Everyone knows it but our store manager doesn't do anything about it.

Anyways...enough venting...for now. I had planned on going to the gym after work and by the time we closed I just needed a drink. You know that feeling? Well by the time we were done cleaning up after closing it was after 9 and I was beyond needing a drink. I needed a whole bottle of wine. I needed to be drunk. Not drunk in the slutty college girl way, but drunk enough to forget about the shitty week and enjoy some mindless TV shows. So I went to the liquor store after work. I needed wine. And because I live in Utah that doesn't mean the corner gas station on the way home. That means going out of my way, the opposite way from home, to the State liquor store. And of course there machine for debit and credit is down so they can only take cash or check. Well it's 2012 and I'm not an old lady so I don't carry my check book. Nor do I have any cash, like ever. So I hop back into my car and drive thru the ATM at the nearest bank, and get charged a $2 fee because it's not my bank. I finally get my booze, a box of mascoto. Aren't I classy? And by that point I'm like fuck it. I'm getting yummy food. I got 5 guys. Bacon burger and fries. It was so yummy. And I feel like I deserved it. But I still feel kinda guilty about it. Oh well. Tomorrows another day. Right now it's time for another glass of wine and an episode of gossip girl!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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