Sunday, June 10, 2012

Playing catch up

I've been working twice a week with Vanessa (Hubbies cousin who is working on becoming a personal trainer) and I feel stronger, healthier, and thinner but the number on the scale hasn't changed. I know I need to add in cardio a few days a week on my own and I know I need to eat better. I really need to get my eating under control. I know that's what will truly help me make a difference in my weight loss.

I need to find a better way to balance my life. Working, working out, taking care of our animals (oh by the way, we got a new puppy. An 8 week old black lab. We named her sadie), time for my hubby, keeping my house clean, and my hobbies (craft projects, house decorating projects, reading). If I'm doing great in one area it feels like I'm slacking in the other areas. I really need to make myself a schedule and try to follow it. Maybe if I actually schedule my life I'll be able to better handle it. So this week I'm going to make myself a schedule and see if that helps me. Hopefully it will!

Here's the new pup:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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