Sunday, May 20, 2012

I. Seriously need to get my *#%^ together

So I was doing well last week. Worked out with my trainer on Monday and Wednesday and my eating was going well. Then I weighed myself (I think it was thursday morning) and I had gained a pound! I know it really shouldn't bother me. I know I was doing what I needed to to get results and that the number on scale doesn't really matter but it bummed me out. That night after work I wanted to go paint and really wanted to go to this place near our house for a salad. Well hubby didn't want that and talked me into going somewhere else to eat. I ended up having a cheese burger and fries. I knew I shouldn't, I totally over ate, I felt guilty and crappy. Friday I got panda express on the way home from work for us, and saturday we I had a salad at cafe rio (what I was craving and it was so good) for dinner we BBQ'd ribs and I had a baked potato. Today we had carne asada for lunch. I totally overrate at pretty much every meal. I think one of my downfalls was being a little more lax with my diet. I had sandwhiches for lunch and then whatever for dinner. I really need to stick to something more strict. I need to get hubby things that are easy for him to make himself for dinners. I feel about doing that. I feel like part of my job, as his wife, is to make him good dinners. But I need to what's best for me and my goals as far as weight loss goes for right now.

I need to get my shit together and do what I need to do to unsure my success. My goal is to make this next week a lot better!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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