Friday, May 11, 2012

Gettin fit Friday

Weigh in #4. Oops, yesterday i thought it was only going to be weigh in #3! Like I said yesterday I was expecting to not like the number on the scale. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be! It was actually good! I actually lost 1.8 pounds! So I pretty much lost the little bit I gained previously. Hey I'll take that over a gain any day!

Hubby's cousin who lives here in SLC is working on becoming a personal trainer and life coach. She recently lost a lot of weight, found her calling in this profession, and has a whole new attitude and outlook. She said she'd love to help me so I'm meeting with her on Sunday! I'm excited about that. She lives downtown so I might not be able to get together with her that often, but even if its just someone to motivate me and hold me accountable I know it will help me! And I'm sure she'll have some great ideas and advice for me. I've lost weight before, a few times actually, so I know how to do it it's just a matter of actually doing it. And when I was thinking about it yesterday I always had someone doing it with me, holding me accountable and motivating me. I always had a workout buddy. So that's what's lacking now and I think it's really affecting my attempts. So hopefully I can overcome this and be happy with working out solo.

Here's this weeks stats:
Starting weight: 232
Week #1: 223.8
Week#2: 224.4
Week #3: 225
Week #4: 223.2

So I've lost a total of 8.8 pounds in 4 weeks. Mainly in week 1. Not what I was hoping but better then nothing! Now I really need to get my butt in gear and work hard at this if I want to see a difference by our 2 year anniversary July 16th. I've got 9 weeks! I can do it!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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