Thursday, May 10, 2012


Tomorrow is weigh in #3 and I already know that I'm not going to like the number on the scale. I had an awesome weekend, my best friend from CA was in town, we did a lot of shopping, a lot of eating and quite a bit of drinking! We did do a lot of walking too, but I don't think it was enough to balance all the crap we ate! And then the rest of this week I've just been lazy. I sat there on the couch thinking "I need to work out" which turned into trying to convince myself "just a walk. I don't even have to do c25k, just get up off my ass and take the pup for a walk" didn't happen. Like I said I was lazy. And I was lazy about my eating too. Not horrible, but not very good either (although I did have panda express last night and I know that's a diet fail!). I'm sure the number on the scale will reflect my laziness. It's no ones fault but my own.

I'll try to work out tonight. But I think it's too late to make a difference for tomorrows weigh in.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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