Monday, November 4, 2013

11 weeks!

A lot going on this week! Nana (my mom) will be getting here tomorrow and I'll be working half days Thursday and Friday before going back to work full time Monday (not even going to go there right now because I'll have another melt down and start crying).

But little man is getting so big! He's smiling more and more everyday and "talking" I think he's on the verge of laughing! But since 3 months is coming up I'll save the update stuff for then. For now some pics of the little dude!

First- Jackson sleeps best close to me (and so do josh and I) so he was sleeping in the pack and play and most nights ending up in bed with me in the very early morning hours, he'd sleep great, me not do much. I was afraid one of us would roll over on him or something. I'd been eyeing the letter bed things that go in between the parents in the middle of the bed but they are $69.99. Well I went to kid to kid to see if I could find a cheap pack and play with a changing table thing on it for my mom to have in the basement and I found a little bed thing! $12.99!! Woohoo! And he sleeps really well in it! So now our pack and play is in the basement. Here's a pic of the little bed!

Tummy time:

"Playing" with Sophie

He likes to lick everything he can get his mouth close to now:

Pouting. I couldn't get a very good pic, but how am I going to ever say no to this face?!:

His new hat I got on etsy:

His even adorable when he yawns!

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