Sunday, November 10, 2013

12 weeks!

How is it possible that my baby is 12 weeks old already!!!

A few days ago I felt like he grew so much overnight! Clothes that fit him fine days before were getting too small! He looked bigger! Crazy, right?! He's personality is starting to come out more. He loves to "talk" especially when he's laying on his changing table (in his room and the pack and play one in the basement) I hung toys above the one in his room and he "chats" with them. He smiles more and more and seems like he's on the brink of laughing. He has discovered his hands recently and figured out how to get them into his mouth. The loves to suck on/lick his hands...and anything else he can get his mouth close enough to! When I'm holding him with his head on my shoulder her tries to suck on my shoulder! He also kinda bats at his toys, but he's still working on that skill! His sleep has become more consistent. He has a bath at 8:30 followed by a little awake time and then a bottle of pumped milk. Josh gives him the bottle while I pump. And then bed at 10. He's been sleeping longer and longer, but some nights he'll wake earlier. Usually it's around 4-4:30 but sometimes as early as 3. If he wakes earlier then that I just put the binky back in and he goes back to sleep easily. I try the binky first and try to get him to soothe himself back to sleep with that until I know he's hungry, then I feed him and he goes right back down. His second stretch of sleep isn't as peaceful as the first. He usually has bad gas leading to a poop in the early am so I think that's why. He's usually up to eat again around 6-7am and then will usually snooze another hour or 2 after that then we get up for the day and get him dressed. On the mornings I work I either feed him or take him down to my mom and warm up a bottle of pumped milk. Then I get ready and pump right before I leave for work. Tomorrow I am going to try to pump on my way to work. We'll see how that works out!

Jackson loves being able to sit up and look around at everything. His head is still a bit wobbly so the bumbo seat doesn't work so well yet, well we went to ikea and there high chairs are super cheap and have a pretty high back so his nana bought him one and he loves it! He loves being able to look around at every one!

He's also been trying and sometimes succeeding at holding his bottle!

Sleepy baby:

Trying to eat Sophie's face:

Tummy time:

Trying on his new hat:

He's got the pouty face down!:

He's so adorable! I love him so freakin much!

On a side note, I absolutely hate having to work. I hate being away from him. I miss him like crazy. And I only worked 2 partial days and I'm already exhasted. Working full time and taking care of him is too much. I honestly don't know how long I'll be able to handle it. We decided I would work full time thru the holidays and then I'd either go part time or quit and work for josh as soon as he has a position open up. I don't think I can make it that long. We'll see how this week goes, but I'm anticipating a major melt down, between missing my baby and being exhausted its bound to happen. Even with him sleeping longer I'm still not getting enough sleep. I always wake up way before him and have to pump because my boobs hurt and I want the extra milk I get from that pump session. I just want to stay home and take care of my baby!

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