Friday, November 1, 2013

Sleep deprived

So I haven't been working out. Jackson has been all over the place with his sleep. We got 2 pretty good nights and then 2 horrible nights. Last night was really bad. He's also been fussier and needier even to the point of screaming his head off one afternoon with josh while I tried to get stuff down only I was able to calm him down. This has happened a few times now which is sweet that he wants his momma, but really hard on me at the same time. Makes it impossible for me to get anything done and I hope that he doesn't do it with my mom since she'll be watching him while I'm at work. Hopefully he'll get used to quickly! I think maybe he's going thru a growth spurt or something.

I'm so exhausted and would love more then anything a solid nights sleep, but taking care of this little boy is worth the sleep deprivation. These moments will be over so quickly. Before I know it he'll be a big boy who doesn't want to snuggle at all with his momma.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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