Saturday, April 5, 2014

7 months!

Holy moly! Jackson is 7 months old today! He's growing and changing so much, practically on a daily basis it seems! He's such a little character and I love his sweet and spunky personality. He can be a moody boy occasionally but for the most part he's a happy little guy!

No well checks until 9 months so I don't know his weight or his height. But he's growing out of his 9 month pants. He just moved up into 9 month pjs and he's been in 9 month clothes for awhile now. Most 9 month onesies for great, 12 month onesies are too big, but 12 month pants fit better then 9 month pants. He's in size 3 up&up diapers and size 4 pampers extra absorbency for night time.

I'm no longer pumping and he's mainly getting boob and not bottles! He occasionally gets a bottle when were out shopping. I was worried that he wouldn't sleep through the night if we dropped the bedtime bottle, but it's been ok. He's woken up at 10pm and 11pm a few nights but last night he slept from 7:30 to about 6am. Sometimes he sleeps until 7 am but usually it's closer to 6:30 when he wakes up. He'll usually lay in his crib and move around and "talk" for a little bit before he starts fussing. I try to leave him in there until as close to 7 am as I can but once he starts getting upset I go get him. He takes a morning nap from 8:30-10 and a mid day nap from around 12:30-2:30 or 1-3. He was taking a short 30 minute evening nap at 5 but he isn't seeming to need that anymore, but then he's too tired at bedtime and falls asleep eating, hence the waking up at 10 or 11 pm. But I figure he'll get used to it. Last night I just woke him up when he fell asleep eating and he ate more and then slept fine.

He's recently gotten pretty attached to this little toy tiger he has. We call him Tiberius Tiger. He sleeps with him and loves to play with him. I figure I should probably get another one just in case something happens to him. I found a website that sells it and I'll have to order one.
Here's him and Tiberius:

He's working on picking things up with his fingers! He's getting pretty good at it too! I usually put some puffs on his tray at least once a day for him to practice. He likes them ok, but he LOVES the gerber lil crunchies! He also loves chunks of frozen fruit in the silicone feeder thing! He's also gotten really good at drinking out of his sippy cup!

He loves playing on the floor with his toys now and can roll all over the place!

We celebrates St. Patricks day and I made him a cute onesie:

We got him a bean bag chair at target:

And we are looking at, and planning to buy soon, a big boy car seat!

He also got his first owie that required a bandaid. Josh was holding him and he was touching Josh's beer can and then put his finger in it and got a cut :(
Can't really see the bandaid in the pics. Luckily it stopped bleeding and didn't need a bandaid at bedtime because it would be a chocking hazard. Josh felt SO bad.

He also went to his first party! Boston's 1st birthday party. He was tired so he wasn't his usual happy self but he was still good! And he wore a cute new (size 12 month!) onesie!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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