Tuesday, April 8, 2014

10 weeks

Only 10 weeks until we head to CA to spend a week at the beach with my family. That means it's time to get my shit together and get serious about my weight loss. There's no way I can get to where I want to be by then, BUT if I work really hard I can make big difference from where I am now.

Today the weather was really nice (72!!!) so I got out the jogging stroller and did couch to 5k day 1 with Jackson! And then when I put him down for his nap I did day 4 of the bikini body mommy challenge! I'm hoping that the weather will just keep getting nicer and I can do the c25k workout in the am before breakfast and then the bikini body mommy challenge after I put him down for his morning nap!

As far as eating I'm trying to have an English muffin with peanut butter or toast in the morning and then chicken with veggies for lunch and dinner and healthy snacks, like an apple and string cheese, grapes, a few crackers with cheese.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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