Saturday, April 5, 2014


So on Wednesday I got what I can only guess was the stomach flu. It was horrible! I felt so crappy. The worst was in the afternoon/evening. Luckily my mom fed J his dinner and played with him until bath time and then josh bathed him and get him ready for bed, I nursed him and then josh put him to bed. I felt a lot better on the morning, just achy and tired and my head hurt. But I wasn't puky anymore so that was good! Thankfully J didn't get sick.

Anyways in a way this sorta helped my diet efforts. I was kinda falling off the diet wagon. When I started feeling better I didn't want to eat anything that would upset my stomach so I had toast and then chicken noodle soup. Since I've been sick I've been better about my eating. I've been better about eating smaller portions and not over eating. I made a bunch of meals for myself, chicken and veggies and put them into Tupperware and into the fridge and freezer. So that'll help. Last night we had a "bad" meal and had stuffed pork chop loins and mashed potatoes and I didn't finish it. I'm trying to eat smaller amounts every few hours. Even if it's just a granola bar.

Katharine will be here this weekend so I don't expect my eating to be perfect but once she leaves my plan is to have toast, or an English muffin breakfast sandwhich or English muffin with peanut butter for breakfast, chicken and veggies for lunch and dinner and for snacks on between have fruit and string cheese, granola bars, a few crackers, stuff like that.

I was also doing to the bikini body mommy challenge videos but had to put a hold on that from being sick. I really need to get back to those! And I can't wait for warmer weather so I can take J on more walk. I'm thinking that I'm going to try to do the couch to 5k workouts with him in the jogging stroller in the mornings. Were also going to try stroller strides. There is one just starting here in utah (in daybreak) the grand opening is April 30th. So if we like that and I join that will hopefully be a great workout for me to do. I think it's sort of expensive (like $60 a month) BUT if it's 5 or 6 days a week and I actually go 5-6 days a week and it's a good workout I think it would be worth it. And too hopefully meet some other moms. So we'll see how that first class goes and then decide.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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