Thursday, November 24, 2011

It's our time

This month is going to be it! Im hopeful that I WILL get pregnant this month. It would be amazing if we could tell my mom and in-laws on Christmas that they are going to be grandparents! I'm thinking of creative ways to tell them already! Giving them "I love grandma/grandpa" bibs or onesies and having them unwrap them at the same time is one idea I have!

If I do get pregnant this month the baby would be due in august, which is a very popular birthday month in my family! Mine is the 9th, my brothers is the 13th, my cousin (who is 1 year older then me) is the 6th, and her brother (who is 1 year older then my brother) is the 27th...his wife's is also in august! So I think it would be perfect!

I'm hoping that in about a week and half I can get a big fat positive!!!

Although I dont know how I'm going to keep it a secret until Christmas!!!

I want to tell Josh in a creative way and my friend (who knows we're trying) is going to help me come up with something!!!

I can't wait to bring in the new year as a designated driver, to toast with water instead of booze, to have a bun in the oven!!!

Fingers crossed, prayers said and lots of baby dancing to be had in the next few days to make our dreams of being parents come true!!! I want and am ready to be mom so bad it hurts. I want to make Josh a daddy. I can't wait to be a family of 3!!!

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Saturday, November 12, 2011


This isn't a "thankful" post. It's just a post about what I'm thinking about. I have high hopes for this month, I want it to be "the" month, the month we get pregnant. We've been "trying" for a few months. I say "trying" because it's been more like just not preventing. Last month I was gone for almost 3 weeks so of course it didn't happen, buti was still bummed when AF reared her ugly head. I just want it so badly. I'm ready to be a mom, to make Josh a daddy, to be a family of 3. It would be awesome to be able to tell my mom and in-laws that we're pregnant at Christmas. It would be the gratest and most amazing gift ever if I could be pregnant at Christmas! Im starting to get much belly envy and baby envy when I see pregnant bellies and new ittybitty babies. It hurts my heart, I try to remind myself that I don't know what they went through to be pregnant or have that baby, they couldnhave one through years of trying, doctors and fertility treatments. I truly hope that we won't need that, but I'm terrified that we will. It scares me to think "what if we do everything right, keep trying month after month, doing "it" at just the right times and nothing happens?" it terrifies me. But I'm hopeful, I have faith that God has a plan, I just hope that a healthy baby in the near future is in His plan. Here's to November!


Today I'm thankful for a good cry. Sometimes you just need to let it all out and have a good cry and then things will feel better. It's been a stressful few weeks, with being out of town working 12-15 hour days for almost 3 weeks straight, getting home and getting back into my regular work schedule, drama at work, my mom was going to come for thanksgiving and now she's not because I'm going to have to work pretty much the whole time she'd be here. So we decided she will just stay longer at Christmas, and I'm asking for a few extra days off for while she's here. So tonight my hubby went to bed and I stayed up to watch tv. I ended up watching a cheesy hallmark channel movie and I cried my eyes out! How pathetic am I! It has me thinking about a lot, and crying a lot. Although it probably doesn't help that it's THAT time of month either. But its amazing how sometimes a good cry can make you feel so much better. Things will be ok, they'll be better then ok. I have faith, November is going to be an amazing month! And December...even better!!! I'm sure if it ;)

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Friday, November 11, 2011


My faith has been tested over the past few years and it's continuing to be tested now. But its there and it's strong (usually).

Today I'm thankful for my faith. I may not go to church, I may not pray everyday or as often as I think I should but I believe that God is there. I have faith in myself, in my family, in the good in others. I have faith that God has a plan for me. I may not always be sure where my life is headed or what's going to happen in the future but I have faith that He does and thats all I need to know. Of course often I want to know more, I struggle to be in control, but I remind myself that He is in charge and I'm along for the ride.

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Patience and strength

For yesterday and the day before :

Wednesday I was thankful for patience. I worked in a department at work (fabric) that I don't usually work in. Someone quit and I was put in that department because I know how to cut fabric. It's a very busy department and it's hard because there may be quite a few people that need help, but you can only help one person at a time. And most of the people are moms with a few young kids in tow. So cutting fabric, answering questions and listening to whining and crying kids all day in a department I'm not used to working in and thinking about all the stuff that still needed to be done in my own department was VERY trying on my patience.

I'm thankful for strength. The personal strength I've had in the past few years has surprised me over and over again. A lot has happened in the past few years that has had me question who I am and what kind of person I want to be. I have been put in situations I never imagined ever having to deal with. I'm thankful that I was able to have strength through out it all.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Today I'm thankful for Pinterest! Yes, I know, so cheesy. But I'm kinda becoming obsessed with it. I love it! I've gotten a lot of good ideas from there. I tried 2 recipes so far and they were both super yummy! I also have some majorly cute DIY holiday decoration ideas! I already made a wreath that was inspired by a pin on there!!! Here it is, I still need to get ribbon to hang it with:

It's just yarn wrapped around styrofoam and then fabric flowers I made from strips of fabric!

So many ideas!!! I always have TONS of crafty ideas and I'll buy the supplies and they just sit waiting for I made a deal with myself: I can make as many of the holiday things that I want but I can only buy the supplies needed for 1 project at a time and nothing else for other projects until I finish that one! I bought the supplies for the wreath and finished it the same night (just have to get ribbon to hang it) so now I need to figure out what I want to do next and buy the supplies for it!!! So far this is working good!!!

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Giving thanks

November is a month of Thankfulness. We should be thankful everyday of every month, but too often life gets in the way, so this month I want to write something I'm thankful for everyday! It's already the 7th so here's 7 things I've been thankful for so far, even though I havent been blogging about I have thought about this and been thankful for these things daily!

Today I'm thankful for...

1 - my amazing husband
2 - my wonderful mom- she's beautiful and loving and has the kindest heart of anyone I've ever known. I'm lucky to be her daughter
3 - having a job. I may not always love it, but it's a good job
4 - the opportunity I had last month to go to CA for almost 3 weeks for work to do a store set (set up a new store) it was awesome to see a building go from just that to an open and beautiful new store and to know I was a part of that!
5 - New friends. I got to know a really nice co-worker who I work with in CA. She's from my store and we've become friends.
6 - my own openmindedness. I learned things about others that makes most people shy away from them, but I liked them before I knew, and what I learned didn't change my opinion of them. Of course I'm curious but not in a mean way, just in a way that I want to understand their life and beliefs more. And because I'm respectful and understanding they answer my questions and help me to understand.
7 - that I live in such a beautiful place! I love waking up to snow outside my window! I love cuddling under blankets and watching snow fall outside!

From now on I plan on posting 1 thing I'm thankful for everyday this month!

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