Saturday, November 12, 2011


Today I'm thankful for a good cry. Sometimes you just need to let it all out and have a good cry and then things will feel better. It's been a stressful few weeks, with being out of town working 12-15 hour days for almost 3 weeks straight, getting home and getting back into my regular work schedule, drama at work, my mom was going to come for thanksgiving and now she's not because I'm going to have to work pretty much the whole time she'd be here. So we decided she will just stay longer at Christmas, and I'm asking for a few extra days off for while she's here. So tonight my hubby went to bed and I stayed up to watch tv. I ended up watching a cheesy hallmark channel movie and I cried my eyes out! How pathetic am I! It has me thinking about a lot, and crying a lot. Although it probably doesn't help that it's THAT time of month either. But its amazing how sometimes a good cry can make you feel so much better. Things will be ok, they'll be better then ok. I have faith, November is going to be an amazing month! And December...even better!!! I'm sure if it ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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