Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Today I'm thankful for Pinterest! Yes, I know, so cheesy. But I'm kinda becoming obsessed with it. I love it! I've gotten a lot of good ideas from there. I tried 2 recipes so far and they were both super yummy! I also have some majorly cute DIY holiday decoration ideas! I already made a wreath that was inspired by a pin on there!!! Here it is, I still need to get ribbon to hang it with:

It's just yarn wrapped around styrofoam and then fabric flowers I made from strips of fabric!

So many ideas!!! I always have TONS of crafty ideas and I'll buy the supplies and they just sit waiting for me...so I made a deal with myself: I can make as many of the holiday things that I want but I can only buy the supplies needed for 1 project at a time and nothing else for other projects until I finish that one! I bought the supplies for the wreath and finished it the same night (just have to get ribbon to hang it) so now I need to figure out what I want to do next and buy the supplies for it!!! So far this is working good!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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