Monday, November 7, 2011

Giving thanks

November is a month of Thankfulness. We should be thankful everyday of every month, but too often life gets in the way, so this month I want to write something I'm thankful for everyday! It's already the 7th so here's 7 things I've been thankful for so far, even though I havent been blogging about I have thought about this and been thankful for these things daily!

Today I'm thankful for...

1 - my amazing husband
2 - my wonderful mom- she's beautiful and loving and has the kindest heart of anyone I've ever known. I'm lucky to be her daughter
3 - having a job. I may not always love it, but it's a good job
4 - the opportunity I had last month to go to CA for almost 3 weeks for work to do a store set (set up a new store) it was awesome to see a building go from just that to an open and beautiful new store and to know I was a part of that!
5 - New friends. I got to know a really nice co-worker who I work with in CA. She's from my store and we've become friends.
6 - my own openmindedness. I learned things about others that makes most people shy away from them, but I liked them before I knew, and what I learned didn't change my opinion of them. Of course I'm curious but not in a mean way, just in a way that I want to understand their life and beliefs more. And because I'm respectful and understanding they answer my questions and help me to understand.
7 - that I live in such a beautiful place! I love waking up to snow outside my window! I love cuddling under blankets and watching snow fall outside!

From now on I plan on posting 1 thing I'm thankful for everyday this month!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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