Sunday, May 20, 2012

I. Seriously need to get my *#%^ together

So I was doing well last week. Worked out with my trainer on Monday and Wednesday and my eating was going well. Then I weighed myself (I think it was thursday morning) and I had gained a pound! I know it really shouldn't bother me. I know I was doing what I needed to to get results and that the number on scale doesn't really matter but it bummed me out. That night after work I wanted to go paint and really wanted to go to this place near our house for a salad. Well hubby didn't want that and talked me into going somewhere else to eat. I ended up having a cheese burger and fries. I knew I shouldn't, I totally over ate, I felt guilty and crappy. Friday I got panda express on the way home from work for us, and saturday we I had a salad at cafe rio (what I was craving and it was so good) for dinner we BBQ'd ribs and I had a baked potato. Today we had carne asada for lunch. I totally overrate at pretty much every meal. I think one of my downfalls was being a little more lax with my diet. I had sandwhiches for lunch and then whatever for dinner. I really need to stick to something more strict. I need to get hubby things that are easy for him to make himself for dinners. I feel about doing that. I feel like part of my job, as his wife, is to make him good dinners. But I need to what's best for me and my goals as far as weight loss goes for right now.

I need to get my shit together and do what I need to do to unsure my success. My goal is to make this next week a lot better!

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Changing things up

I had my first personal training session with hubby's cousin Monday after work and it was great! I was SO sore yesterday and I'm still pretty sore today, but good sore! She did my weight and measurements and we're going to do that weekly on Monday's. I think it'll just be easier if I do my weekly weigh in (gettin fit) posts on Monday's. I don't want to have to keep track of both and what weigh ins I'm on for each so I'm just going to start fresh. I'm going to start Monday with weigh in #1 and go by my stats as far as working out with a trainer goes. Since my workout with her was in the afternoon after work, after 2 meals and lots of water, I weighed 5 pounds more then I weighed that same morning at home. I weighed 224 Monday morning and 229 when I did my weight and measurements with her. I'd much rather go off my morning weight, but since I'll be going Mondays after work and that's when I'll be weighing in I guess I'll just have to go with it. I'm glad I'll have the measurements to go off of too! I also want to take some pics. Like Vanessa (hubs cousin-my trainer) said: the pictures don't mean anything right now, they're just pictures, but when you get to where you want to be, when you lose the weight, you'll have these pictures to look back on and show how far you've come and how much you've accomplished. I really like that idea! I can't wait to be able to look back on the fat pics of myself and see the difference!

I work out with Vanessa again this morning and then I'm on my own for the rest of the week until next Monday! I'm hoping to get in a few c25k workouts!

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Sunday, May 13, 2012


I met up with hubby's cousin today for coffee and she showed me the gym she's working out of for her personal training. It's a small really nice private gym. I'm going to have 1 to 2 sessions a week with her for training and she'll help me with other workouts to do at home or at the gym (I have a membership to a big chain gym, I've only gone twice though). She also wants me to keep a food journal and she'll give me tips in that area too! I'm super excited for this. I think this is just what I need! It will be the support and motivation I need and I know she'll hold me accountable! I start tomorrow! I can't wait!

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Gettin fit Friday

Weigh in #4. Oops, yesterday i thought it was only going to be weigh in #3! Like I said yesterday I was expecting to not like the number on the scale. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be! It was actually good! I actually lost 1.8 pounds! So I pretty much lost the little bit I gained previously. Hey I'll take that over a gain any day!

Hubby's cousin who lives here in SLC is working on becoming a personal trainer and life coach. She recently lost a lot of weight, found her calling in this profession, and has a whole new attitude and outlook. She said she'd love to help me so I'm meeting with her on Sunday! I'm excited about that. She lives downtown so I might not be able to get together with her that often, but even if its just someone to motivate me and hold me accountable I know it will help me! And I'm sure she'll have some great ideas and advice for me. I've lost weight before, a few times actually, so I know how to do it it's just a matter of actually doing it. And when I was thinking about it yesterday I always had someone doing it with me, holding me accountable and motivating me. I always had a workout buddy. So that's what's lacking now and I think it's really affecting my attempts. So hopefully I can overcome this and be happy with working out solo.

Here's this weeks stats:
Starting weight: 232
Week #1: 223.8
Week#2: 224.4
Week #3: 225
Week #4: 223.2

So I've lost a total of 8.8 pounds in 4 weeks. Mainly in week 1. Not what I was hoping but better then nothing! Now I really need to get my butt in gear and work hard at this if I want to see a difference by our 2 year anniversary July 16th. I've got 9 weeks! I can do it!!!

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Thursday, May 10, 2012


Tomorrow is weigh in #3 and I already know that I'm not going to like the number on the scale. I had an awesome weekend, my best friend from CA was in town, we did a lot of shopping, a lot of eating and quite a bit of drinking! We did do a lot of walking too, but I don't think it was enough to balance all the crap we ate! And then the rest of this week I've just been lazy. I sat there on the couch thinking "I need to work out" which turned into trying to convince myself "just a walk. I don't even have to do c25k, just get up off my ass and take the pup for a walk" didn't happen. Like I said I was lazy. And I was lazy about my eating too. Not horrible, but not very good either (although I did have panda express last night and I know that's a diet fail!). I'm sure the number on the scale will reflect my laziness. It's no ones fault but my own.

I'll try to work out tonight. But I think it's too late to make a difference for tomorrows weigh in.

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Saturday, May 5, 2012


So usually I have spotting anywhere from 2 to 5 (usually closer to 5 but occasionally less) days before aunt flow show ups. It's been happening for as long as I can remember since being off of birth control pills. Well this cycle I had none. Not even a itty bit spot of anything and today AF is here. On CD 26, which seems to be the new norm for me I guess. I don't know what's up with my cycles getting shorter. It was 28 days for a long time, then 27 days for a few months, now it's been 26 for a few months. But seriously. When we're not really trying things happen the way they should (no spotting). Luckily I knew we didn't do it at the right time since the hubby was out of town or else I would of been freaking out with excitement thinking I was pregnant. Only to be disappointed with AF showing up. Oh well. I'm hoping to chart my temps this cycle and next to get a better idea of my cycle (hopefully) and to get in the habit of charting my temps for when we start actively concentrating on TTCing again in July.

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Friday, May 4, 2012

Gettin fit Friday! #3

I didn't do very well this week. My back was still sore so I didn't want to push my luck, I didn't work out. Not at all. I could have walked a few times, but I didnt. And my eating wasn't horrible, but want great either. I had a gain of .6 again. So a gain of 1.2 pounds in 2 weeks. It could have been a lot worse if I'd have just eaten whatever I wanted. It makes me realize that if I would have just been more careful and more conscience of what I ate and my portions I probably would have lost at least a pound each week. But oh well. It's over and done with.

This weekend my best friend is coming from CA to visit! It's her first time coming here and I'm so excited. I'm sure I will eat crap I shouldn't, but I'm sure we'll do a lot of walking so hopefully it'll be ok. I'm not going to restrict myself this weekend. It's a little vacation weekend for me (from work) and I'm going to enjoy it. That'll include yummy foods and fruity drinks I'm sure!

Starting Tuesday I HAVE to get back on track with my plan. I know I can do, I know I can lose weight, I know I can be happier with myself, look better and feel better. I know it won't happen over night and I know it won't be easy. But I know I can do it and I know it'll be worth it!

4/9 Starting weight 232
4/13 Week #1 weigh in : 223.8
4/27 Week #2 weigh in : 224.4 (gained .6)
5/4 Week #3 weigh in : 225 (gained .6)

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