Monday, May 27, 2013

25 weeks!!!

How far along? 25 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: I gained 2 pounds! I'm down 16 from my pre pregnancy weight

Maternity clothes? Still the same. I had to buy new work pants, the ones I had got a hole in them, they still fit and where too big so I probably could have worn them a lot longer. I bought maternity pants for work, they just fit better and are more comfortable. They are the ones that just have the elastic band under the belly, not the full panel, so I'm thinking they will get me through the next few months and after I have him

Sleep: good. Just crazy strange dreams! And last night I got up at least 6 times to pee, from now on I need to drink all my water earlier in the day and try to limit it more in the evenings!

Best moment this week: josh feeling him move!!!

Movement: yep

Food cravings: not really

Gender: boy

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: this morning we went out to breakfast and I kinda missed coffee, I know I could have a cup but I've gone this long without it

What I am looking forward to: looking more pregnant! At work yesterday I was running errands before work so I had on jeans and a tshirt and my co workers where commenting that while I actually look pregnant in normal clothes (our work shirts are lose/baggy fitting polo style shirts) I look like I'm like 3 months pregnant not 6 months. I'm glad I'm not huge, but I'd really like it to be obvious to other people that I'm pregnant!

Milestones: josh feeling the baby move. And being past 24 weeks! Which means if my baby was born he would have a chance at viability. It would be a long struggle I'm sure and I hope and pray that he keeps baking for 3 more months, but its crazy to know that if he was born now he might be able to survive outside of the womb thanks to medical technology!

My belly has grown just in the past week and a half! :

23weeks+3days and 24weeks+6 days

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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