Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Is it summer already?

Today at worked we were saying that that spring got skipped and we just jumped straight into summer. It was in the 60's before I went to CA (it reached the low 70's a few times, but had snowed the that week!) and I come back to temps in the 90's! It's freakin hot! Couldn't we have had some time in the 70's-80's temp before jumping up to the 90's! Well then I was driving home and realized that it practically is summer. I'm not sure exactly when summer officially starts, but its pretty close, which is SCARY! Because HELLI?!?! I'm going to be having a baby at the end if the summer! And you know how fast summers fly by...I kinda had a slight freak out moment in the car. I mean I know I'm pregnant. I know I'll be having my baby boy at the beginning of September. There's a bedroom across the hall from ours with a crib, glider, changing table and closet full of tiny clothes and baby gear. We have a stroller and carseat, bottles, breast pump, pacifiers, diaper bag, diapers. But there's still SO much I hope to get done before Jackson arrives. And while I know I have plenty of time, its already gone by so fast I know the next few weeks and months are going to fly by. I'm so ready to be a mom and met my son, but at the same time I want to cherish every moment I have being pregnant with him. I want to feel and appreciate every kick and flutter. I waited and wished for this for so long and I love having this amazing miracle growing inside of me. Wow that sounded so cheesy, we'll blame it on the pregnancy hormones...and on that note I have to say I have been feeling much more emotional lately! Like teary eyed at the stupidest things!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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