Monday, June 10, 2013

27 weeks!

How far along? 27 weeks! Hello third trimester!

Total weight gain/loss: gained back 5 pound so still 15 under my pre pregnancy weight

Maternity clothes? Yes

Sleep: good. I seem to sleep really soundly lately, but get up anywhere from 2 or 3 to like 6 times a night to pee

Best moment this week: being in my third trimester!

Movement: yep! And now he sticks out his head or his butt and it feels like he's pushing from the inside and I can feel him on the outside!

Food cravings: soft pretzels, pomegranate Popsicles

Gender: boy

Labor Signs: no

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: nothing

What I am looking forward to: meeting my baby boy in a few short months

Milestones: being in my third trimester!

I can't believe I'm already 2/3 of the way done with my pregnancy! Before I know it I'll be holding my baby boy! I think nesting has set in. Yesterday I scrubbed half the kitchen, inside the cabinets, cabinet doors, counter tops, I even got down on the floor and scrubbed the perimeter of the kitchen (mainly where the tile meets the cabinets, under that ledge) with a sponge and then a magic eraser. I plan on doing the rest of the floor but I had to get more magic erasers. I'm usually pretty lazy when it comes to cleaning but I'm noticing I'm more and more particular about cleaning up now. Like usually I'd leave the dishes and do them later (sometimes they'd sit in the sink for a few days-lazy I know) but now I've been doing them pretty much every night. It bugs me when the kitchen isn't clean now. And I'll suddenly get this urge to clean, like with the kitchen yesterday. And organizing too. I want everything organized.

My belly seems to be bigger some days and look smaller other days, I think it might vary depend on how he's laying in there. Here's pics from Saturday.

And in this one I think I look huge! Definitely pregnant! It's blurry because I was leaving to go shopping and took the pics real quick but didn't really look at them so I didn't notice until later.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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