Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I started out all about cloth diapering. I thought they were cute and would save us tons of money. I was also holding onto hope that somehow we'd work it out so I could stay home and not have to go back to work, which is a whole different post altogether. I figured hey if I'm staying home or only working part time I can totally handle diaper laundry. So I started buying cloth diapers. I have quite a few different ones that I thought I'd like. I planed on trying them and then buying more of what I liked. Well...this brings us to know...3 months until my due date and knowing that I'm going to have to go back to work full time. My mom is moving here and will be living in our basement (living room, bathroom and bedroom, we bought our house with her moving here in mind) and I know that cloth diapering is easy, but I don't want to burden her with it. I also don't really want to worry about doing diaper laundry when I'm working full time. I know that I'll just want to spend all my time outside of work with my baby, not worrying about washing diapers. I'm also staring to think that disposables will just be so much easier. I know people who CD say its so easy, but to me disposables just sound so much easier right about now. At first I had sticker shock when I looked at the prices on disposables. I thought there's no way I'm spending that much on something that my baby is going to crap in and then I'm going to throw it away. Cloth diapers are reusable and you get so much more for your money...that's what I told myself. But my resolve to CD is wearing really thin at this point and I've been stocking up on disposables for a few weeks now.

I'm buying a few boxes/packages of each size. And I plan in stocking up between now and my due date. I'm still going to try cloth diapering, but I feel like its just not going to work for me. Maybe I will CD part time, maybe I won't CD at all, hell I could even end up CD exclusively. Who knows. But for now I'm going to go with my instinct and stock up on disposables. If I end up not using all of them I'm fine with that. I can sell them or save them for baby number 2.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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